state of the stash

Well. There it is.  In all its glory. What’s pretty nuts is that there is lots of empty space behind those stacks.  The drawers are filled with: notions {top drawer}, colored solid fabric {second drawer}, neutral solid fabric {third}, and misc scraps {fourth}. The only stuff that is not pictured is a healthy dose of Denyse Schmidt’s County Fair.  Raise your hand if you also bought loads of it when a certain online retailer was practically giving it away.

How about a closer look.

I estimate that my fabric stash has been almost slashed in half since I got serious about curbing my crafty consumerism two years ago, when the original Stash Pact group was formed.  I know that during that first year, my initial slip up was a healthy dose of Liberty of London Tana Lawn when I was in New York browsing at Purl Soho.  The other sizable purchase I allowed myself to make as a celebration for making it one full year without doing too much damage was to acquire the new release of Flea Market Fancy, a few Pezzy Prints, and some new Melody Miller Ruby Star Rising.  Or was it Ruby Star Shining?  {I’m horrible with names.}

The terms I’ve laid out for myself for Stash Pact II are that I can’t buy fabric online for nine months.  My only allowances are that I am able to buy a total of 3 yards of fabric at a bricks and mortar shop and I should try to stick to smaller cuts of fabric.  I can swap ’til I drop–and this really helps.  I’ve already purchased two quarter yard cuts, so I’m allowed 2.5 yards more.  I’ve had one big moment of temptation, but a good friend talked me off of that ledge!  Phew.

I thought I was going to speak more about some of the fantastic discussions that have been taking place in the Stash Pact II flickr group, but I have two quilts that are at the hand binding stage and I am wasting time right now typing when I could be snuggled up on the couch with those projects!  That, and I know all anyone really cares about are the stash photos.  I am the same way.


10 thoughts on “state of the stash

  1. There are hundreds of reasons I am happy you are my sister:
    You are a great listener
    You give thoughtful advice
    You watch dance movies with me
    You feed me
    You teach me
    And your stash is just another one of the many reasons I love you dearly. I’ll be over to steal from you soon 🙂

  2. There are hundreds of reasons why I love you and am lucky to have you for a sister:
    You are a great listener
    You give thoughtful input and advice
    You make beautiful, hilarious children whom you let me borrow on occasion
    You feed me awesome food
    You watch cheesy dance movies with me
    Add your fabric stash and willingness to teach your sis some sewing tricks and I’d say you are one fabulous gal! I’ll be over to steal some fabric soon 🙂

  3. 2 things…love your sisters comment and 2 I find it outrageous that I contributed to the halt of a fabric purchase! Could it be you are starting to rub off on me? Am I actually seeing the end of years of gluttonous fabric shopping? I’ll ponder this while I continue to soak up the 6 bottles of water princess Hugo and princess Chloe thought fun to dump on our family room carpet yesterday….now where is that fan?

  4. I have in the past three years given away most of my fabric stash…mostly because it was my old taste…country dark…I have a very small stash of some really nice fabric…I don’t want to build too big a stash because we may downsize soon…empty nest…I have to delete all the emails from fabric shops without looking, too dangerous!!

  5. Always love reading your posts, oogling your stash (so artfully arranged)… Love the note from your sister (hi sister) and…..@Maryse: that’s right! : )

  6. so organized. mine is such a mess, but at least i have not been buying fabric for a while (i haven’t been sewing either…!?)

  7. So what online retailer has in the past practically given away DS fabric? This is a must know! It is a dream for this relatively new quilter.

    • Jenny, was selling it for less than $4 a yard a few years ago. County Fair was on a home dec weight base cloth and didn’t do as well as her quilting cotton lines of fabric. That’s what I understand anyway.

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